Hugh Jackman Considering A Return To Wolverine Says Sebastian Stan

Hugh Jackman Considering A Return To Wolverine Says Sebastian Stan

With Disney purchasing Fox Studios, many fans are hoping that Hugh Jackman will play Wolverine at least one more time.

There has been rumor about Hugh Jackman even possibly appearing as Wolverine for The Avengers 4, and Jackman has even commented on the possibility.

Hugh Jackman Wolverine

Now while appearing at the Ace Comic Con, Sebastian Stan says he spoke with Hugh Jackman about appearing in an Avengers and X-Men crossover movie (watch video below). 

“Recently, I happened to be sitting next to Hugh Jackman,” Sebastian Stan said at the panel. “I didn’t know what other awkward thing I could talk about but to be like, ‘Am I going to see you soon?’ I don’t know. But he said a couple of things to me, and I’ll just leave it at that. Otherwise, I feel like I’m going to get into trouble with somebody.”

Hugh Jackman Wolverine

Sebastian Stan explained the reason for asking Hugh Jackman about a potential return is because of Jackman previously stating he would come back only with the Avengers.

“I asked him because I kept thinking he said whether or not that was, Logan, was supposed to be the last Wolverine thing or whatever, and he said to me, well I think he publicly said out there, which was like he’s been thinking about it, it’s on his mind. So, I don’t, he may be,” Sebastian Stan said.

Hugh Jackman stated back in February that “The Avengers would prove too much to turn down” and added, “Because I always love the idea of him (Wolverine) within that dynamic, with the Hulk obviously, with Iron Man but there are a lot of smarter people with MBAs who can’t figure that out [laughter]. You never know. At the moment, honestly, if I really did have them there, I probably wouldn’t have said this is the last [about Logan].” 

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